Phil Baker, Managing Member
Phil Baker is a 38-year veteran of the financial services industry. Before starting Baker Partners LLC in 2013 and joining the Aligned Resources Group Team in 2013, Phil served as Senior Vice President of ECommerce and Commercial Banking for Central Bancompany, where he managed all aspects of the bank's online channel. In addition to his ebanking expertise, Phil is a specialist in the area of online security and has spoken about cyber security with numerous law enforcement and private sector groups. He has spoken to numerous vendor and industry conferences on the areas of strategic planning, culture integration, merger management and organization structure. Honors graduate of the Stonier Graduate School of Banking.
Jay Coakley, Managing Member
Jay Coakley is a 37-year veteran of the financial services industry. Before starting Coakley Strategic Solutions LLC in 2009 and joining the Aligned Resources Group Team in 2013, Jay served as Senior Vice President of Marketing for Central Bancompany, where he managed customer acquisition and retail profitability strategies for the corporation. He has worked with future bank leaders as an instructor with the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin for the past 20 years. Jay was honored for his work in the area of new demand deposit development with a Harvard Business School MBA case study and has spoken for BAI and the Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan and Minnesota Banking Associations. MBA from Indiana State University and graduate of the Graduate School of Banking, Wisconsin.