No two financial organizations are the same, so our guidance is specifically directed to your organization’s unique circumstances. Having served dozens of financial institutions, you are assured of receiving a broad base of knowledge, with current answers and a strong focus on the future needs of your current and potential members in the markets you serve.
We are financial service experts, not vendors. We are consultants, not product sales people. Before we build, guide and execute a plan, our approach is to complete a Core Retail Review (CRR), customized to the FI. Think of the CRR as the testing (current conditions) that takes place before a doctor gives a diagnosis (strategy + products).
We understand and have witnessed firsthand, in multiple client institutions, that simply offering a new product will not address all the financial organization’s retail strategic goals. We have seen financial institutions introduce new products without going through the necessary strategic steps. Many times, these initiatives have achieved significantly less than expected results. Our strategic vision is based on both internal and external research and our strong knowledge of the retail and marketing landscape shaping the future of financial institutions.
Our reputation is built on the strategies we recommend and implement for our clients. We seek out the best possible solutions to solve for your deposit/loan and fee income goals. When required, we research the vendors who can meet the goals and we negotiate the agreements with these potential vendors. We sit side-by-side with your team to develop the plans, assist with the execution, and create the metrics to measure the success throughout the development, training, rollout and implementation phases.
We have working familiarity with many of the industry’s key leading service providers. This firsthand knowledge allows our customers the luxury of having specially designed projects without vendor sales bias, thus creating a competitive advantage. Our knowledge has also yielded better pricing for our customers.
Throughout our combined 75+ years of industry experience and consulting practice, we have been involved in virtually every customer-facing part of a financial institution. Following are a number of core competencies and areas of specific experience of our firm and our principals: